It’s amazing that Apple always comes up with hardware that no one thought they’d ever need. And then they sell millions of them. They did it again with the MacBook Air. It’s a laptop that looks awesome but is limited.
My friend Jonathan said it best: «This is a computer for someone who has an assistant.» His right, the assistant carries around all those additional cables, drives and computing power that the Air lacks but everyone needs to truly work with a computer.
Objection: I had a MacbookAir in my hands today. It is such a lovely thing, that I even would fire my assistant (if I had one). But the Air is not meant to be your first computer, but your portable computer. And for portability it is hard to beat.
Your friend Jonathan is a smart, smart man.
I agree with your objection but I still agree with myself (and Bill Gates) even more. I guess the statement should be expanded to include all the details that are involved with having an assistant which include another person’s time, energy, extra computers on hand, and an extra 3,100 dollars to blow on cool looking toys. It goes great with the iPhone.
The point is that you connect to peripherals wirelessly. Thus the name, Air. Yes, this ups the actual cost (as you have to have a second computer lying around that has an optical drive, a networked external HDD, etc). But again, that’s not the point. You don’t need cables and drives at all (and thus no assistant) because you connect things OVER THE AIR.
And give me a break, there’s plenty of computing power in this thing for everyday use. Quit hating on a device just because it’s not everything to everyone.
(this site has a great design)
I still wait for a 13′ or 12′ MacBookPro (great to use on travel and with ext mouse, keyboard and monitor)