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Moderator SRF-Club

Eine Grossbank lässt mitten in Zürich einen Mitarbeiter beschatten, der zur Konkurrenz wechselt. Mit Häme reagieren in- und ...

Top Fifteen 2013

Das  waren im abgelaufenen Jahr die meist gelesenen, 2013 publizierten Artikel auf (Ja, die Real-Doll-Reportage steht wie jedes Jahr seit 2004 auf Platz 1) 1. ...

Chronologie einer Berichtigung

Am 3. Dezember 2012 veröffentlichte DER SPIEGEL ein Interview mit Axel Weber. Darin sagte der UBS-Präsident: «Ich treffe Walter-Borjans diese Woche zum Abendessen. Ich sehe dem freudig entgegen.» BLICK wollte ...

Verdingte: Freiburg entschuldigt sich

Der Freiburger Staatsrat entschuldigt sich «bei allen Personen, die im Kanton Freiburg aufgrund einer Zwangsplatzierung Missbrauch und Misshandlungen erleiden mussten». Der Staatsrat bedauert, dass die damaligen Behörden «der ...

The Global Baby

Today, we published the second issue of the collection, Ringier's international iPad magazine that is available in ...

Herren und Invaliden

Gesehen an der Toiletten-Türe in einem japanischen Restaurant in der Schweizer Stadt Zürich. Die Udon-Suppe mit Gemüse schmeckte hervorragend.

Good Design

We are humbled to learn that has been selected as one of the most beautiful and clean websites around. Thank you for this honorable recognition, and kudos ...

Es braucht das iPad

Seit gestern besitze ich ein iPad. Es kam per persönlichem Kurier aus New York nach Zürich. "It's a giant iPhone", sagte meine Tochter, als ich es aus der Schachtel nahm. Falsch. ...

Google Knows Ads

Sure, Google might have morphed into an unpleasant giant. The search company wants to know who you are. Their slogan "don't be evil" seems to be "bullshit", as ...

Jobs and Beethoven

Recently I interview author and management guru Jim Collins for Swiss magazine Bilanz. He talks about how great leaders are driven to do great things. ...

Return to Mexico City

American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos are responsible for one of the most enduring pictures in the history of sports. In 1968, Smith won a Gold ...

Adieu, W.

Dienstag nach 13 Uhr, hinter dem Capitol von Washington D.C. «Stopp, Stopp, alle sofort anhalten», ruft ein Agent des Secret Service. Zwei Geländewagen brausen herbei. ...

Begegnungen 2008

Journalistische Geschichten sind gut, wenn sie aktuelle Themen mit Menschen plausibel darstellen. Möglich werden solche Geschichten durch persönliche Begegnungen. Als Reporter bin ich jenen Menschen zu grossem Dank verpflichtet, die ...

And the Winner Is…

… Kerstin Kohlenberg. This week, I had the honor of being one of three nominees of the "Georg von Holtzbrinck Preis für Wirtschaftspublizistik", a prestigious price for business ...

The Absence of 9/11

President elect Barack Obama has an unmatched talent in talking about delicate issues without naming them verbatim. Throughout his successful bid for the White House he gave ...

“This is America’s Future”

It's pure pleasure to watch the greatest American politician in modern history supporting Barack Obama at a rally in Florida. There is nobody who can frame complex issues as eloquently ...

Swiss Gangsters

In Switzerland, even gangsters try to be efficient and civilized. On August 1, my wallet was stolen by a group of sophisticated pickpocket artists. They observed me ...

So long, Sydney

Heute starb der amerikanische Regisseur und Schauspieler Sydney Pollack an Krebs. Er war 73 Jahre alt. Vor zwölf Jahren traf ich ihn im Zürcher Hotel ...

Until the Last Dog Dies

Much has been said about Bill Clinton's apparently meager performance on the campaign stomp. The Daily New asked the questions whether Clinton lost his mojo ...

Air Needs Assistant – The Sequel

As noted here before, Apple's ultra thin laptop Mac Book Air looks awesome while being limited. We suggested that owners of such a computers need assistants who carry ...

Swiss Gold for Starbucks

A little more than a year ago, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz warned in memo about "the commoditization of the Starbucks experience". Schultz specifically blamed the ...

Tommie Smith on China

Last November, I met Olympian Tommie Smith in his house outside Atlanta, Georgia. At length, we talked about his silent protest during the award ceremony at ...

Live From New York

Should you have missed last night's Saturday Night Live, check out the opening sketch and Hillary Clinton's editorial response. It pretty much sums up the treatment of the ...

Still a Winner

Sound mixer Kevin O'Connell is still a winner. Tonight he lost for the 20th time in his quest to win an Academy Award. This will ensure ...

50 Years of Symbolic Peace

Pacifists and war protesters all over the world wear peace signs on shoulder bags and jeans jackets. But only few know what the symbol really means, and ...

Better Looks

If only designers had a say in the presidential election I'm sure Barack Obama would occupy the White House for the next eight years. Whatever his team puts out into ...

Jack’s Back

What if Jack Nicholson endorses your presidential run the day before Super Tuesday? You accept it and hope it won't hurt your prospects. You record his voice, add an image ...

We’re the Champions

Okay, the New York Giants upset the New England Patriots in yesterday's Super Bowl. Though I don't care the least bit about football, I'm happy for Rudy Giuliani. ...

Funny Fish

New York Times columnist Clyde Haberman is one of the keener observers of our times. His column is mostly very funny, truly informative and not to be ...

Friendly Scribes

While being new to publishing observations online, I want to point out some friendly scribes who've been at it for a while. For your daily fix on anything tasteful visit Tina ...

Old Muscles, Fresh Look

Times are tough. What's better than bringing back some tough guys from the 80s? As the New York Times points out muscle men like Sylvester ...

Weekly Fix

There is way too much dumb talk on American politics out there. My weekly fix is a podcast of Left, Right and Center, a radio show produced by ...

Die Welt vom Pult aus

Anfang Oktober zeichnete ein Russe eine Karikatur mit Schweizer- und Hakenkreuz. Selbst nach den Wahlen noch suggerieren Schweizer Medien, die Zeichnung sei in der „New York Times“ erschienen. Dabei fungierte ...

Drei Tage mit dem iPhone

Das brillante iPhone kann telefonieren, zeigt Videos, lässt im Internet surfen und Fotos editieren. Aber macht so viel Spass wirklich Freude? Die Aufregung des Tages entlädt sich um 11 Uhr nachts ...