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Sex, Lügen und Videos

So erbärmlich war US-Politik noch nie: Statt mit dem Publikum über ernsthafte Themen zu reden, zoffen sich die Präsidentschaftskandidaten unter der Gürtellinie.

Chodorkowski in Zürich

Geduldig stellten sich am Freitagabend Tausende in die Reihe, um einen russischen Oligarchen zu sehen. Die Universität Zürich öffnete ihren grössten ...

Doris Leuthard und die Zensur

Salbungsvoll sprach Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard (50) letzte Woche an der Journalistenschule MAZ: «Ich möchte bissige Medien, welche den Finger auf wunde Punkte legen.» Zumal in einer ...

EDA zur Krim

Das Eidgenössische Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten äussert sich zur Entwicklung in der Ukraine: • Die politische Krise um die Krim hat sich im Verlauf der letzten Tage verschärft. Bundespräsident Didier Burkhalter ...

Mitt Romneys Schweizer Konto in der Kritik

Der republikanische Präsidentschafts­kandidat Mitt Romney hatte bis 2010 ein Schweizer Bankkonto. Demokraten dient es, den ­Financier als Trickser hinzustellen. In ...

Romney kürt Vizekandidat

Mit einem pein­lichen Versprecher stellte der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Mitt Romney (65) gestern in Virginia seinen Mann für das Amt des ...

Bruno Zuppiger auf China-Tour

Überraschung am Montagabend beim Schweizer Fernsehen. Plötzlich huscht in der News-Sendung «10 vor 10» SVP-Nationalrat Bruno Zuppiger (60) über den Bildschirm. Dicht hinter Wirtschaftsminister Johann Schneider-Ammann (60) betritt der Zürcher ...

Verdingte: Freiburg entschuldigt sich

Der Freiburger Staatsrat entschuldigt sich «bei allen Personen, die im Kanton Freiburg aufgrund einer Zwangsplatzierung Missbrauch und Misshandlungen erleiden mussten». Der Staatsrat bedauert, dass die damaligen Behörden «der ...

Heuchler Obama

Als Saubermann zog Barack Obama im Januar 2009 ins Weisse Haus ein. Einer, der die Lobbyisten aus der Politik fernhält. Nun belegen E-Mails vom Sommer 2009: Kaum war ...

Hildebrand Reader

“Der alt Bundesrat weiss nicht mehr, als was in der Presse steht” Am 24. Dezember fragte dieser ...

Tür-Knall war kein Selbstmordversuch

«Selbstmord-Versuch des Datendiebes» titelte die «Sonntags Zeitung» am 8. Januar auf Seite 1. Reto T. (39) habe versucht, sich das Leben zu nehmen, schrieb die Zeitung, gestützt auf mehrere Quellen. ...

Obama sagt “thank you”

Am vergangenen 23. September lud Uno-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon (stehend) zahlreiche Staats- und Regierungschefs in New York zum Mittag­essen ein. US-Präsident ...

UBS Reader

Fast drei Jahre brodelte der Steuerstreit zwischen den USA und der Schweiz. Auslöser wardie UBS und ihr grenzüberschreitendes Geschäft ...

No More Kissin’

They kissed forever during the Democratic convention in the year 2000. Now they ain't no more. Almost President, Nobel Peace laureate and Oscar winner Al Gore has separated ...


President Barack Obama got a thumpin' last night. Republicans swept the top races in U.S. regional elections. Christopher Christie, a Republican former ...

Der clevere UBS-Deal

780 Millionen Dollar zahlt die UBS an die USA, um den Steuerstreit mit einem so genannten deferred prosecution agreement beizulegen. Unter den Bedingungen ...

Return to Mexico City

American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos are responsible for one of the most enduring pictures in the history of sports. In 1968, Smith won a Gold ...

Adieu, W.

Dienstag nach 13 Uhr, hinter dem Capitol von Washington D.C. «Stopp, Stopp, alle sofort anhalten», ruft ein Agent des Secret Service. Zwei Geländewagen brausen herbei. ...

Taking a Shoe

Today, a television reporter threw not one but two of his shoes at George W. Bush. The American President ducked twice during a press conference in Iraq (watch ...

Presidential Dog Poop

Is there a problem with presidential dog poop in Chappaqua, the home town of the Clintons? Apparently. After Senator Hillary Clinton was nominated for Secretary of State on ...

Hurry up, Obama

Today, the markets plummeted again. The Dow Jones Industrial Index lost 5,6 percent. By now it's down over 40 percent for the year. What about Barack Obama? Didn't ...

The Absence of 9/11

President elect Barack Obama has an unmatched talent in talking about delicate issues without naming them verbatim. Throughout his successful bid for the White House he gave ...

Wall Street and Election Politics

Today, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama tried to link John McCain to the turmoil on Wall Street. His Republican rival McCain said that Obama close ties to Fannie ...

Boys Will Be Boys

The Democrats are playing a dangerous game. They ignore the sentiments of two crucial demographics they need desperately if they want to beat John McCain in November ...

Until the Last Dog Dies

Much has been said about Bill Clinton's apparently meager performance on the campaign stomp. The Daily New asked the questions whether Clinton lost his mojo ...

Tommie Smith on China

Last November, I met Olympian Tommie Smith in his house outside Atlanta, Georgia. At length, we talked about his silent protest during the award ceremony at ...

Vorzimmer der Macht

Für das deutsche Magazin Cicero habe ich unlängst den amerikanischen Uno-Botschafter in New York interviewt. Zalmay Khalilzad ist gebürtiger Afghane und höchster Moslem ...

As Goes Ohio

As we have noted here weeks ago, Senator Barack Obama has a problem with the Electoral College. He keeps winning in the wrong states, while Hillary Clinton is ...


Just a quick thought: Is the writers strike delivering the Democratic presidential nomination to Senator Barack Obama? A simplistic explanation? Maybe. But just over a week ago Saturday Night Live ...

Liberal Sexism

Once the votes are counted in Ohio and Texas tomorrow night, we'll be looking back to probably the most sexist primaries in US election history. It's been amazing to watch ...

Fidel and I

Today's announcement that Fidel Castro will finally retire left me both happy for the Cuban people and a bit nostalgic for my youth. Back in ...

Florida and Ohio Matter

Barack Obama is on a roll. Last weekend the senator from Illinois won four primaries and caucuses. His Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton won none. But can he win Ohio and ...

The Man Who Made Bush

Last night at the Harvard Club the torch was passed at the helm of the American Swiss Foundation. Ambassador Faith Whittlesey stepped down; Ambassador Mercer Reynolds took over ...

Why Romney Quits

Mitt Romney is dropping from the race for the Republican nomination. “I feel I now have to stand aside for our party and our country”, he said today. What ...

Hillbillys Vote Obama

While the focus in the Democratic race lays on the delegate count, the geographic distribution of last night's wins by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama caught my eye. So ...

Kennedy Who?

Last week it was all Camelot all the time. The Barack Obama endorsement by Senator Edward Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy drove the media and some candidates into overdrive. ...


Rudolph Giuliani gave us 41 shots, Disney on Times Square, Bernard Kerik and a couple of juicy divorces. He stopped the mob and tried to stop ...

Kennedy Contest

The Kennedy's are endorsing presidential candidates left and right. Last night Caroline Kennedy expressed her support for Senator Barack Obama in the New York Times by calling him a "...

Mitt’s Macaca

In 2006 George Allen lost his seat in the US Senate after calling an American of Indian descent "macaca". The racial slur was caught on video and seen on ...

No Reagan Nostalgia

Inflation shoots up, the Dow falls, and the United States seems to be sliding into recession. What is Senator Barack Obama doing? In an interview with a Nevada newspaper he ...

Ari’s Delusion

After his win in Michigan Mitt Romney said he wants to bring back «the America of Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush». Actually, he mentioned the elder Bush several ...

Clinton Tactics

Bill and Hillary Clinton are known for doing everything to get elected. They seldom shy away from fear mongering. Right now they're running the risk of costing the Democrats the ...

Weekly Fix

There is way too much dumb talk on American politics out there. My weekly fix is a podcast of Left, Right and Center, a radio show produced by ...

It’s Monica, Stupid

John Kerry verlor vor vier Jahren die amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahlen, weil «die Republikaner die Leute in einer verdeckten Kampagne unbemerkt an Lewinsky erinnert» hatten, sagte mir damals Robert Reich, Bill Clintons ...