Funny Swiss Man

U.S. comedian Stephen Colbert found a truly funny Swiss man at the Vancouver Olympics. For his show "Colbert Report" he plays Fondue Pong with the guy in charge ...

The Presence of Magazines

Apple's iPad will launch at the end of March, and it is going to revolutionize that way we consume media. All over the world, magazines are embracing the new opportunities ...

The Presence of Advertising

The advertising industry experiences a fundamental shift. Ads are rapidly moving from print and television to online media. In this radio interview with Brian Lehrer, Dow Jones reporter Ty McMahan ...

Stiller Helfer

Der Berner Arzt Philip Hebel reiste nach dem Erdbeben nach Haiti. Er linderte Leiden und entschied, ob verstümmelte Glieder amputiert werden. Das Elend steht er durch, weil er es verdrängt.

Google Knows Ads

Sure, Google might have morphed into an unpleasant giant. The search company wants to know who you are. Their slogan "don't be evil" seems to be "bullshit", as ...

“Eine Bank hätte sicher mehr bezahlt”

Elmar Mäder kommandierte die Schweizer Garde. Jetzt stellt er Wirtschaftstätern nach. Der Sicherheitsexperte über den Wert gestohler Bankdaten – und warum vor allem Chefs sie klauen.