
Rudolph Giuliani gave us 41 shots, Disney on Times Square, Bernard Kerik and a couple of juicy divorces. He stopped the mob and tried to stop ...

Kennedy Contest

The Kennedy's are endorsing presidential candidates left and right. Last night Caroline Kennedy expressed her support for Senator Barack Obama in the New York Times by calling him a "...

Signs ‘O’ the Times

All week I've been hanging out with supporters of presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for a story on grassroots campaigning. Here is a collection of signs ...

Funny Fish

New York Times columnist Clyde Haberman is one of the keener observers of our times. His column is mostly very funny, truly informative and not to be ...

«One should be very Humble»

Ten year after his investigation almost ousted Bill Clinton from the White House Kenneth Starr talks about law and Christianity, his time in 1968 and why he doesn't want to write a memoir.

Mitt’s Macaca

In 2006 George Allen lost his seat in the US Senate after calling an American of Indian descent "macaca". The racial slur was caught on video and seen on ...

Hollywood’s Big Loser

Kevin O'Connell has another Oscar nod under his belt. This morning the sound mixer received his 20th nomination for a golden statue for his work on "Transformers". So ...

No Reagan Nostalgia

Inflation shoots up, the Dow falls, and the United States seems to be sliding into recession. What is Senator Barack Obama doing? In an interview with a Nevada newspaper he ...

Friendly Scribes

While being new to publishing observations online, I want to point out some friendly scribes who've been at it for a while. For your daily fix on anything tasteful visit Tina ...

Air Needs Assistant

It's amazing that Apple always comes up with hardware that no one thought they'd ever need. And then they sell millions of them. They did it again ...

Ari’s Delusion

After his win in Michigan Mitt Romney said he wants to bring back «the America of Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush». Actually, he mentioned the elder Bush several ...

Clinton Tactics

Bill and Hillary Clinton are known for doing everything to get elected. They seldom shy away from fear mongering. Right now they're running the risk of costing the Democrats the ...

Old Muscles, Fresh Look

Times are tough. What's better than bringing back some tough guys from the 80s? As the New York Times points out muscle men like Sylvester ...

Weekly Fix

There is way too much dumb talk on American politics out there. My weekly fix is a podcast of Left, Right and Center, a radio show produced by ...

“I changed New York”

A young Swiss designer reshapes the famous yellow cabs. She transforms the look of New York City. Not without controversy.

«I’m a Thinker»

Tennis superstar Serena Williams talks about her life beyond tennis, what she discovered in Africa and why she admires the Google guys.

It’s Monica, Stupid

John Kerry verlor vor vier Jahren die amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahlen, weil «die Republikaner die Leute in einer verdeckten Kampagne unbemerkt an Lewinsky erinnert» hatten, sagte mir damals Robert Reich, Bill Clintons ...